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Rising demand of toilets for small spaces:

The establishment of bathroom and toiletry goes back to the Stone Age period of time of almost 3000 BC where the traces of having a bath and disposing hygiene activities can be found. Over the ages, this phenomenon of bathroom and toiletry has been developed to result in the most versatile and vibrant designs and concepts of the modern bathroom vanity in the contemporary world. Due to the growing population of today and the decreasing space for human activity in the world, the concept of smaller sized bathrooms have been tremendously on horizon. In such a case, the needs for bathroom and toiletry in such a small space is bound to rise in both demand and production.

Decreasing space for toilets:

The decreasing space for toiletry and bathrooms in a household has been caused by the decreasing size of households in the contemporary world due to growing population and in such a rising rate that the need for bathroom vanity and toilets to be constructed in such a small space required a decrease in the size of the products being used in the bathroom itself. The concept of small spaces for toilets is mostly popular within the eastern hemisphere where the population growth is very high.

Rising fame for small toiletry:

The constant decrease in space for bathrooms led to the development and introduction to small toiletry and wash basins in the modern world which could easily fit in the small places and the users can be taking use of all the convenient products present in a bathroom like the others. There has been a decrease in the size of the toilets

themselves from the Indian type flushes to the modern commodes which occupy less space and provides more comfort than the traditional toilet flushes established before.

Current Status:

Currently, there has been a constant rise in demand of toilets for small spaces which has resulted in the rise of showers and commodes of the modern world as compared to the traditional products of the old age like the bath tub and Indian Toilet Flushes. Currently, the low income families form the major part of toilets being introduced for smaller areas due to the low cost and repair of such bathrooms and toiletries. Majority of the world population is on the smaller payroll as before due to inflation which is greatly contributing to the rising demand of toiletries for smaller spaces as people are not able to afford the big ones.

About mustafa

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