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Wonderful and practical small kitchen design ideas

It is true that not everyone can have a large kitchen equipped with everything from modern appliances to kitchen islands to spacious seating arrangements. But that does not mean that you cannot have a beautiful and elegant kitchen in a small area. Space, or lack thereof, should never be considered a limitation for having the kitchen you had always wanted.

Keeping only what you need and not what you want
The key is economizing; that is, knowing where to draw the line. Ask yourself, how of the equipment that I plan to accommodate in the kitchen do I really need? Can a few things be crossed off the list or can I combine a few appliances? The answer to these question is almost invariably yes! Once you are able to trim the fat, the items which are necessary will easily find a place in the kitchen, no matter how tiresome the space constraint may be.


 Measuring things accurately
So many of us must have seen a refrigerator or a stove in a store that we just adore! The mind keeps thinking, how good will this look in my kitchen! How convenient it would be to have it! But if you buy it without taking its dimensions correctly, you might end up with something that just doesn’t fit in your kitchen!
Measure all lengths and widths of the appliance accurately and also do the same with the space in the kitchen where you intend to put it. If your kitchen has a door, measure it as well. The last thing you would want is to have to return your favorite oven just because it won’t fit through the door!

Looking out for smaller versions of the appliances you love
Most companies produce all their equipment and appliances in a variety of sizes. This is done for the sole reason of catering to varying kitchen sizes. And the smaller ones may even have a lower power consumption so it’s a win-win situation! Smaller appliances also involve less cleaning and less maintenance costs so this is something that is worth considering even for larger kitchens.

Planning ahead
Before you go ahead and buy everything that you want for your kitchen, take some time and plan what goes where. This will avoid any space constraints or clutter in the kitchen. It may give you a good perspective of how many things you really want in the kitchen or also if you are missing something important as well.
Designing a small kitchen is an art more than a science. Just keep things simple and you are halfway there already!

About mustafa

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