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Some necessary steps to paint kitchen cabinet

Kitchen cabinet is vastly used for keeping kitchen accessories but painted kitchen cabinet enhances the smartest look of kitchen. Painted kitchen cabinet is available in the market but if someone paints his or her cabinets in house he can paint as his own wish. By painting cabinet you can provide different look to your kitchen. But when someone wants to paint his or her kitchen cabinet in home he should concentrate on some necessary things.

Remove hardware:

To paint the cabinet first of all you need to remove all hardware and try to protect surrounding areas. You should separate doors and glasses from the cabinet for safety. Use newspaper or any wastage papers to protect from the color and keep the cabinets on the safe area.

People need to wash cabinets before painting. It is must to wash carefully your cabinets because a lot of dusts are added to the cabinets. Painting is too tough when dusts are attached to the cabinets. Painting will be very lower and it won’t last for long time.

Then you need to paint and prime hinges of the cabinet and use spray to pain into the holes of hinges.



Paint hinges:

After painting hinges you need to wash brush with paint thinner and use roller tray liner and sleeve for painting.

people should paint the cabinet with the first coat. They need to follow the same instructions that are used for priming the cabinet. Paint will dry within 24 hours. You should use some paint thinners into a can and soak the brush full night. Then use sleeve into an air-tight zip-lock bag. As a result they can use it again the next day. Then keep extra paint back into the can and use it in the next time. Grit san paper is mostly used for final coat of painting. After putting the bubble you should take some time for drying. You should wait minimum 24 hours for drying. Unless drying, don’t attach separated things to the cabinet.

Use sand paper: Sometimes people need to wash old glossy in cabinets. In this time they can use sand paper to remove glossy. Besides, sand paper is used for making flat and cleaning the surface.

But a special recommendation before painting is to try in small area before painting the whole cabinets. Because all paints is not compatible to all cabinets.

Clean up:

About mustafa

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