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Ideas for creating the perfect open kitchen plan

Open kitchens tend to have an extended purpose when compared to a normal one. The open kitchens generally tend to extend into the living room and hence become places of conversing dining and not just food preparation. It has a more communal aura to it and is definitely going to be the new hangout spot in the house once all the installations are done. But this being said, it doesn’t imply that open kitchens are not suitable for people living alone. An open kitchen linked to your living room can help you catch all the games and shows on your TV without having to come out of the kitchen area. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while designing your open kitchen

Welcoming and spacious

As already mentioned the open kitchen is the gathering spot for the entire family. It needs to be more welcoming and you cannot have stuff lying around the place cramping up the space available for people move around. A well modular arrangement of components is important to stay organized and also make the kitchen easy to use. Having enough space to move around is an important element of an open kitchen.

Huge Islands

Having huge islands may just be the solution that you are looking for. These provide enough storage space for all your components and can also be useful in food preparation. Not just this, they can also be used as dining areas by adding a few chairs around the island. A mini bar set up could also work with the right type of seating and countertop combination.

Open kitchen attached to the dining area

This kind of a setup is quite common and can be found in many houses across the globe. This kind of a setup is comfortable if you are hiring a cook to do your bidding. This provides enough space for them to work freely and the attached dining area will make it easy for him/her to serve the food as well.

An open kitchen is suitable for any kind of house and will most certainly be the place where most of the discussions and gatherings take place. Hence, its spaciousness and accessibility are clearly two points that I would like to lay stress on.


About mustafa

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