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Modernize your kitchen

The roles that kitchen’s played has changed drastically over the past 20 years. We no longer live in the world where the kitchen is the women’s workplace. The kitchen is now a place of gathering of family member. Most families have their dining area within the kitchen itself. It is also a place where we have most of the family meetings(other than the living room) and it is basically your favorite spot in the house if you love food. With so many changes taking place in the status of the room in the house, it becomes imperative to have well designed modern kitchen. Here are a few tips to guide you through the process:


The positioning and the materials used for the cabinets become one of the most important considerations while modernizing your kitchen. You would want to have a place for every element of your kitchen and probably a little extra for the additions that may come in the future. Things lying around on the countertop would not only require regular cleaning, it will kill the feel of the room. Cabinets made of hardwood or plywood are generally pretty sturdy and it is always advisable to start from the cabinets close to the ceiling and then work your way down while installing.

Modular structure

Every element in the kitchen needs to fit into somewhere. This permanently applies to the heavy appliances like refrigerator, oven, dishwasher and stove. Planning this out not only saves space but allows for efficient designing of the room.


The countertop plays a heavy role in deciding the theme of the room. Its color and patterns on top it would be covering most of the horizontal surfaces in the kitchen and this would something that you would be looking at throughout your life when you are cooking. So depending on your taste, choose the material and color and create the effect that is most pleasing to your eye.


Ambient lighting of the kitchen would end up making it a lot more expressive than a random lighting arrangement. Installing dimmers near the dining area would increase the number of romantic dinners that you are going to have and also make your food look nice (even if it is a little undercooked).

About mustafa

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