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Do it yourself modern bathroom vanity project (diy)

A vanity bathroom as intense as it sounds is not much of room but a simple dressing table area. It can serve as a dressing table and storage compartment for toiletries, body products and other essential items. A bathroom vanity can also serve if properly arranged to hide the plumbing works in your bathroom that is the sink and drain pipes. Vanities can be arranged to look in a number of characteristic styles.

Some Vanity Styles

Some common styles of vanities include; the Traditional vanity which predominantly comprises of stylish and classy lines interwoven into condensed color and artistic moldings resulting in a beautiful traditional mosaic and finished by a touch of smooth textured wood or metal frames.

Then the Contemporary vanity fancied for the lovely symmetrically arranged faucets intertwining with vividly smooth faucets, this array is even further beautified by the Asian theme designs and décor plus the monochromatic coloring.
Other vanity styles include the casual styles and the eclectic, an assortment of multiple designs textures and colors. You could also setup your own bathroom vanity project by considering these few items.


DIY project considerations

Dimensions among the first things should be decided according your preference for height and widths then decide whether you will settle for a framed or frameless style. Remember that you can turn larger spaces into exquisite designs as much as you can beautify small spaces into awesome vanities irrespective of the bathroom size, the secret lies in your selection of the dimensions.

Next consider your bathrooms texture and décor; the overall theme should influence your decision of the vanity’s decorations into something that is not off balance.


With all calculations of size and color in place you can now design your vanity’s overall appearance and style. Its design should also take into account what you intend to use it for with what frequency and for how long. For instance you may want to use your vanity for washing as well as storage of products and toiletries, it would be ideal to build your vanity around the sink carefully concealing and creating some storage compartments underneath.

About mustafa

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