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Design a luxury kitchen for your perfect home

The trend of Luxury Kitchens
Kitchen is no doubt the heart of any home. This small room can be as comfortable and pleasure giving as any of your other rooms. Nowadays, a luxury kitchen is becoming a must addition to any beautiful house with more and more kitchen companies are getting into the business of providing lavish state of the art kitchens. Building a luxury kitchen is becoming a trend among the affluent class as its becoming profitable business for kitchen companies.

A kitchen can very well catapult the grace and importance of your overall home. It is no longer just a place for cooking. Modern luxury kitchens have turned into a place for cooking, eating, chit chat, family dinners, parties and lot more. Flaunt your kitchen and you could very well become the star of your group.

The Investment
It’s not too hard to build one luxury kitchen or for a matter of fact to remodel an existing one. With a sea of information available over the internet, magazines and newspapers, you can start off easily. Choosing the style and design would be your first step, then comes the budget. Any luxury kitchen, at the least could cost you around 80-100k USD. The kitchen cabinet is the place to start with. Cabinetry is the most expensive part, the area where the majority of your money is going to be spent on. Luxury kitchens usually consist of a custom made cabinets instead of the ready-made cabinets. Imported cabinetry is another option but they tend to not last more than 5-6 years. Browse through catalogues. Choose your designer. It is advisable to talk to a lot of manufacturers. Asses the raw materials. Create your own worksheet. All these would help you get an idea of what exactly you want and how you should proceed. Then comes the countertops and the flooring. Stone choice for your counter top is important. Granite is the usual choice. If you want to be a bit more daring you may go for offbeat stones and exquisite colors depending on your overall design and off course the budget.


Appliances and high end kitchen features
What actually makes your kitchen look magnificent is the high end appliances in it. A fully integrated refrigerator with your custom cabinetry panels would be a stunning match. For counter top appliances, all your items need to be classy; the coffee makers, toasters, blenders etc. A fully integrated dishwasher is another item that you should go for. For a cherry on the cake, you could also install an ice maker and also a television so that you don’t get bored while cooking all by yourself.

About mustafa

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