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Ceate a spacious bathroom wih l shaped shower

So you are trying or planning to remodel your old bathroom or create a new one. Space should be the primary thing on your mind. Let say you have the challenge of small bathroom already and you are planning on creating more space, how do you achieve this? When creating a spacious bathroom especially with a limited space, the shape of your shower becomes very important. If creating space is your main intention, then using round shaped shower bath is not the best option for creating a spacious bathroom. Straight shower bath are best for creating a spacious bathroom, so they are usually the perfect choice remodeling a small bathroom. Unlike the other shapes of shower bath, the L shaped bath has a cutting edge design making it perfect for modern bathroom, in this article I will be discussing the advantage of L shaped shower bath over other shower bath, and suitable curtain for L shaped shower and cheep and affordable L shaped bath. If creating a spacious bathroom has been challenging for you because of the choice of your shower bath. Then this article will be helpful to you, hopefully when you are through reading this article, you will be convinced that L shaped shower bath is the perfect choice for creating a spacious bathroom.


When making a choice you should put a lay of factors into consideration. Factors like how much space do I have, what purpose do I want to achieve by creating a spacious bathroom? This and many more are questions you should answer before making a choice. One of the advantage of using L shaped shower is that the extra round tub at the top gives the same pleasure as using a complete round shaped shower.


The width and length of your curtain also affect your decision when creating or planning a spacious bathroom. Having made up your mind to use the L shaped shower bath then along with it should be a medium size curtain. This is because some curtains are very large and could end up jeopardizing your aim of creating a spacious bathroom with L shaped shower bath.


Talking about creating a spacious bathroom on a budget is entirely a topic on it own but quickly I will like to offer a little suggestion on the available L shaped shower bath. The quality of shower bath affect its price. A standard L shaped 1700 x 850 bath front panel and screen left or right cost about $280 and most store offer a discount on their product especially when you insist on a discount.


About mustafa

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