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Different kitchen tiles uk for you

Kitchen Tiles UK

Kitchen tiles have always been an integral part of any kitchen design. They have been used on the walls, as backsplash and even on the floor sometimes. Kitchen tile designs have evolved over the years but there are some designs such as the subway tiles which never go out of fashion. This article will talk about the latest trend in kitchen tiles UK.

The best thing about having tiles in your kitchen is that you can have two or three different types of tiles for your walls and for the floor. This allows you to be more creative and set different tones for different areas in your kitchen. Let us take a look at some UK kitchen tiles in detail.

Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles have a great advantage in that they don’t get stained very easily. They don’t fade and are much easier to clean than any other tile. These are the unglazed variety and are therefore good for the floor where there is heavy traffic. However, if you opt for glazed ceramic tiles you will need to be more careful as they are not as sturdy as the unglazed ceramic tiles.

Mosaic Tiles

Mosaic tiles too look good on any surface, be it the floor or the walls. They look very attractive with their different patter and can bring color to any room. They are mostly used for countertops and walls and the best part about these tiles is that they don’t chip off easily and thus are very durable.

Porcelain Tiles

They are just like ceramic tiles, only fired at much higher temperatures than standard ceramic. This makes the tile denser and less porous. It is really easy to clean and can be bought at the same price point as that of regular ceramic tiles.

There are many more varieties of tiles that are available in the market. Whichever tile you choose it is important to keep a few things in mind. Always have a clear idea of how you want your kitchen to look and see whether the tile design fits it with your kitchen design. Also consider your household’s lifestyle before choosing a tile. If you are a young household with kids and pets you will need tiles that are more durable and easy to clean and maintain. You can go for fancier tiles when your kids grow up. Last, but not the least, is the budget consideration.

There are no hard and fast rules for choosing which kitchen tiles to put on the floor and which to use for the walls. Just go with your gut and select the ones that you like best.

About mustafa

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