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All you should know about kitchen remodeling

Worried about you much a remodeling of your kitchen would cost? Well the answer always depends on how much you want to change. The cost may hugely vary depending on whether it’s a total make over or just a minor remodeling. It depends on other priorities as well, such as cost of individual items that you may want to add, the contractor, and time duration. The cost will also vary hugely based on what type of kitchen you want to remodel; is it a home-based kitchen, or a gourmet kitchen, or an exotic restaurant kitchen? Whatever your budget may be, with proper planning and execution it’s possible to get the best refurnishing of your cookery.

Kitchen Remodeling

A full-fledged face lift can cost you as high as 80 K while some minor changes and additional can wrap everything within 5000 bucks.

Your first step should be deciding on the budget. With a clear and fixed budget it would be easier for you to plan the exact redo, without ambiguity, avoidable delays and end date extension. Obviously, the budget would vary from homeowner to homeowner. Sticking to budget is one effective way of pulling off a successful kitchen remodeling. Once you have decided on the budget with your builder, ask them to provide you with a breakdown of the same. This way you get a clear idea of how much money is being spent on each item. You yourself can keep track of everything on your own worksheet.

Budget tricks

Most of the money would be spent on materials while only 15-20 percent of your budget goes for labor charges.

Cabinet change is the most expensive part of kitchen remodeling. You can reface your old cabinet or install a totally new cabinet. Cabinet remodeling accounts to as high as 30-35 percent of your total budget. Stock cabinets costs less compared to custom designs. Next big thing is the heart of the kitchen, the countertops. Installing countertop may range anything between 2.5k to 5k. It accounts for 10 percent of your budget. Next comes the floor, a good floor is as important as your expensive cabinet. An impoverished floor with a splendid cabinet would never do justice to your kitchen. Flooring cost is similar to countertops and can take nearly 10 percent of your budget. One thing that home owners should keep in mind is, how much floor is needed to be covered. It usually happens that you end up with a lot more or a lot less.

Other small expenses include plumbing, walls and ceilings, lights, doors, windows, special designs.

Kitchen Remodel Cost

About mustafa

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