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Music in the kitchen

 Music is, no doubt, part of human life. It is an instrument that carries the brain to the past, present and future while causing similar effect on odors and flavors. Through the senses, we are able to relive moments that in one way or another, remain lodged in our memories and awaken the sense of smell or taste. At some point, music and cuisine converge.


The kitchen is the central place in the house. It has become a true atmosphere of tranquility and enjoyments, making a kitchen radio an indispensable companion in the place. Music plays an important role in cooking and there must always be a kitchen radio or music system in the kitchen. In this article, we look at some of the key points to consider before buying a kitchen radio.

Install a radio in you kitchen cabinet! 

If you are the kind of person who likes listening to music while cooking, the kitchen radio is the best asset. You can definitely bring a stereo to the kitchen; maximize your comfort without causing any harm. Listening to music while preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper is than thrilling. It enchants and puts you on the mood for that perfect dish. You can install your kitchen radio in the cabinet or in a hidden corner and operat1ed using a remote control.



Qualities of the best kitchen radio

  • Easy to operate: everything about the kitchen radio should be easy. The buttons and knobs should be big enough. A kitchen radio should also have an easy-to-operate dial. If you have seen thinking of buying a small kitchen radio with a touch screen or fiddly buttons, think again. That kind of radio is not suited for the kitchen.


  • Having a small footprint: Space is one of the biggest challenges in kitchen today. If you decide to buy a big kitchen radio, you might just be unusable to accommodate it in, if you don’t have enough space. A kitchen radio which has top or front facing speakers is an ideal asset for the kitchen. Never buy a kitchen radio with side speakers. 
  • Dual purpose radios: Some kitchen radios are customized for kitchen use. Many of them have the timer feature included. This could even save you from the cost of buying a kitchen clock. You will be having a 2 in 1 system.


Music has no boundaries. From your bedroom, living room, kitchen to office, you need a radio or music system to keep you in tune with happiness. For chefs and women who frequently do the cooking, a kitchen radio is a very vital asset. However, care must be taken, especially when choosing a radio for your kitchen.


About mustafa

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