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Top 3 tips for kitchen makeovers

With time, everyone gets bored with his or her house and its design, and that is when the makeover process begins. But in the midst of renovating or giving a makeover to the whole house, the kitchen is often overlooked- even though it’s the place where all your food is. However, giving your kitchen a makeover isn’t that hard a task- and it isn’t expensive as well. To discover some of the best and inexpensive ways to give your kitchen a makeover, read on.

Add some ‘charm’ to your cabinets

Kitchen cabinets especially their doors are what define the style and look of your kitchen. The first thing that you can do in order to provide your kitchen with a much needed makeover is to paint them. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate task- even adding a simple color or style to the existing paint is what could get the job done. Move the appliances closer to the sink to get a more efficient work core. You can also change the handles with complimentary colors for a more elegant look.

Swap out the scores of gadgets for simpler yet more useful ones


Having a large number of gadgets or appliances in your kitchen is not always a good idea- for they lie around uselessly and eat up a big chunk of your storage space. A cluttered kitchen doesn’t always look its best, does it? This makeover may be the perfect opportunity for you to swap out the gadgets and appliances that you never use and get simpler ones. Keep the number of gadgets to a minimum, retaining only those which you would actually use. There are a many shops out there where you could barter your old appliances for some good discounts.

Use wall art for a refreshing art

Often, after the paints are done, the walls of a kitchen are overlooked in terms of designing. You can use them for different kinds of wall arts to give it a unique look. You can also use large sized art pieces for drawing attention towards some particular area of the kitchen, or use silhouettes of appliances and utensils cut out from old cookbooks to give the walls a theme in shade with the kitchen.
When you make over your kitchen, remember to make it reflect you, and not some hardware store. Elegance with your own creativity is the best and most inexpensive that you can add to your kitchen to make it truly ‘yours’.

About mustafa

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