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Kitchen flooring: choice as per use

Kitchen flooring

Choice of Kitchen flooring is one of the most decision one needs to take. On the basis of usage, style and budget one can decide over various options available for kitchen flooring material. There are many aspects one needs to look into before finalizing the kind of kitchen flooring they choose. There are varieties of materials used for kitchen flooring with a set of pros and cons.

Types of kitchen flooring

Various kind of materials are used for kitchen flooring purpose, these include:

– Hardwood flooring
– Vinyl Flooring
– Porcelain tile flooring
– Cork flooring
– Natural stone
– Laminate
– Linoleum
– Concrete

Pros and Cons of commonly used materials for kitchen flooring
There are a set of pros and cons involved with each kind of material used for kitchen flooring. Some of the commonly used materials with their issues are discussed below.

– Hard wood flooring: Hard wood flooring is the most commonly used for kitchen flooring. It looks beautiful and gives an earthy look along with warmth to the kitchen space. This kind of kitchen flooring suites and blends to majority of the kitchen décor and looks great even after heavy use. The drawbacks of these kind of flooring is the scratches and spills stay if they are not rectified immediately.

– Vinyl kitchen flooring: Vinyl kitchen flooring is a very economical option and now comes in different designs and patterns to suit your style. It needs less maintenance as patching and correcting the damage is easy with these floorings. The issue with these floorings is that they tend to fade off when exposed to sunlight daily.

– Cork kitchen flooring: Cork flooring is natural and is catching up the trend in this times. The texture and feel of cork flooring is very good along with great comfort to the feet. It gives a warm and cozy feel to the space. The drawbacks of these flooring includes fear of dents and scratches which need to be fixed.

– Concrete: Concrete is another common flooring used. The look and multiple options of designing the flooring is what keeps it attractive for use. It stays cool during scorching hot weather which makes it great option for places with hot weathers, The problems include concrete being hard on feet and needs professional to work on for working on them.

About mustafa

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