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Some great kitchen extension ideas

Kitchen Extension Ideas

Even if you have a small kitchen you can think of many ideas of making the maximum use of it. But nothing is better than extending it to get some extra space, provided you have the room for it. Opening up the kitchen space not only leaves you with more cooking space but it also creates space where you can have an eating area, which is great for relaxing and entertaining.

Some kitchen extensions open up into the garden area and give a feeling of having the outside inside your homes. But before you start planning your kitchen ideas there are many things you must consider. This article will give you some great kitchen extension ideas.

Knock down a wall

The simplest way to open up a kitchen is by knocking down the wall to an adjacent room or to your garden. You could knock down the common wall between the kitchen and dining room to incorporate both rooms into one. Or you could knock down the wall to your patio or garden for a really open feel. However, before you really start knocking off walls, consult with a structural engineer to make sure you are not taking away any load bearing walls and that the knocking off will not harm the structure of the house.

Make some additions

If knocking down is not an option for you, then you can add an extension outside your home in the garden area. You could close it will solid walls or even with windows and transform the newly added area in to a lounging room, perfect for entertaining guests. Having French doors that open in to the garden is an excellent kitchen extension idea.

Take the necessary permissions

Once your plans are ready it is very important to run it past your local planning officer and get the plans verified. Many times it happens that you plan for a big extension and it is turned down because of some planning regulations. In such a scenario you will need to come up with other options of extending the kitchen. Whatever the case may be it is always better to take the necessary permits before you start any renovation.


Stick to the budget

People often get carried away with ideas and plans simply because the end result look so appealing. However, make sure you plan your budget and stick to it till the end of your project. A few deviations are always unavoidable but don’t let it blow out of proportion.

What are you waiting for then? Start with your kitchen extension soon!

About mustafa

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