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Kitchen designs for small kitchens – techniques to make it look spacious

Do you have a small kitchen space? That does not mean you cannot make it your dream kitchen. There are plenty of kitchen designs for small kitchens which you can have a look at. You can make it a wonderful looking and functional space but with careful decisions and a little effort.

Here are some techniques for designing your small kitchen and make it look spacious:

• Although it is a kitchen but adding mirror to the kitchen can work like a charm. This will actually help in creating an illusion that there is more space there in the place. If you think a mirror would not look good, then minimalist cabinets would just look wonderful. They have a unique mirror-like effort which will make a great addition to your kitchen.
• The appliances you choose for your kitchen should not be huge, make sure they are compact and small so that they don’t gather much space and make your kitchen look congested. This could really make a huge difference in the kitchen designs for small kitchens.
• Getting a kitchen island would also be perfect. This will not just provide you space but you will have something additional to store items in the kitchen too. The best thing is that your kitchen will not look overcrowded.
• Usually, there is a dining
table there in the kitchen area. For a small kitchen, it is recommended to get those dining chairs that don’t have arms. This will make the kitchen look roomy and a good thing is that these chairs are always sleek, clean and easy to use. You can also use backless stools and after eating, you can slide them under the counter. That can also help in saving space.
• Lighting plays a major role in creating an illusion that the space is big enough. Add lights under the cabinets and the counter and this is going to make your kitchen look pleasing and more open.
You can also take inspiration from kitchen designs for small kitchens to add more stuff there in the kitchen which could make the place look less crowded. You will simply love the way your kitchen would look.

About mustafa

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