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Things to be considered while tiling a kitchen floor

People have widely accepted that tiling a kitchen floor is probably one of the best option available now a days. We are aware of various advantages it has over its counterparts. To name a few, it is long lasting, gives an excellent look, it is easy to clean and maintain and so on. However, there might be scenarios where these tiles might not be the best thing to look forward to. For example, consider having an open kitchen and your entire house is wooden floored. In such cases, having the kitchen floor in tile would not give a good look.

When to use Tile on Kitchen Floors:

1. When you use a lot of stuff like vegetables etc. that can dirty the floor easily.
2. A lot of water spill happens.
3. Need to consider fire safety. Wood are more prone towards fire so tile in such case provides a safer option.
4. You do not have lots of edges and corners. Keeping tiles clean at the corners might be tedious.

Consideration while tiling kitchen floor

1. As far as possible, try to keep the joints less. A lot of dust can get accumulated in the joints of 2 tiles. However, there are solutions available to that as well like white cement etc.
2. If there is a lot of water spill, try to use anti-slippery tiles. If not, these tiles can actually become fatal because of water spill.
3. Tiles are long lasting and replacing them is not an easy task. Once fitted, you would not want to take the pain to replace them in short time. So, be sure about your decision.
4. Once a pattern of tiles are fitted and somehow one or more are broken, it is difficult to get same shade and pattern of tile in the market.

When a flooring is finalized, tiles do hold an edge but as we have seen above, it has its own share of disadvantages. One must observe very carefully and make a decision. Once a flooring is fitted, it is not possible to change it in a go.

About mustafa

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