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Free standing kitchens allow flexibility


Free standing kitchens are exactly what their name suggests; they allow freedom to move and function throughout the kitchen. In traditional kitchens, you may have seen endless counter space whereas in free standing kitchens the work space in divided into different areas. This article will give you details on various free standing kitchens and also their benefits.

Free standing kitchens in Oak – A free standing kitchen allows you to start with a basic piece and then add on to it over the years. Oak is a great choice for a free standing kitchen as it looks both stylish and has many color variations.

Colorful country kitchen – When you buy many different pieces of free standing kitchens try to buy them in different colors such as blue, red, green and yellow. Over a period of time as the pieces accumulate, they will give your kitchen a colorful country look.

Free Standing Kitchens

Modern design – You can also have free standing kitchens in modern designs. They are now also available in sleek colors and handleless drawers.

Practical kitchen – Don’t just stop at mixing colors; go crazy with textures and materials too. So while one piece of the free standing kitchen may be a yellow painted wood, the other could be a black granite, while a third piece could be made of stainless steel.

Themed kitchens – You can also design your free standing kitchen according to any particular theme you have in your mind. For example you can add furniture in pastel shades with French artifacts to make it look like a French kitchen.

The various benefits of free standing kitchens are:

  • Portable – Since there are multiple pieces in this type of kitchen, each piece is not very large and therefore it makes it easy to relocate it to some other place. This can help a lot if you wish to redesign your kitchen or just change the orientation of a few things.
  • Easy to clean – Most free standing kitchen furniture comes with removable panels, which makes it so much easier to clean.
  • Easy to install – Installing cabinets, tiles and worktops can be a very time consuming and tiring task. This is where free standing kitchens win. They are easy to install; you just need to find a suitable spot in the kitchen and simply place the piece of furniture there.
  • Can be used in many ways – Free standing kitchens allow you to be more creative than you would think. If for some reason you get bored of having a particular free standing kitchen cabinet in your kitchen, you can get rid of it and use it in your bedroom and buy a new one for the kitchen.

About mustafa

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