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When do you need a double vanity

In the morning rush hours, how many times did you wait outside the bathroom while your brother or wife is just brushing their teeth or shaving or applying makeup? This is quite a common occurrence in many homes consisting of a big family. These few minutes of waiting can end up being costly when your boss catches you entering the office a few minutes late on a regular basis. Times like this is when you see the value of a double vanity in your washroom. The installation of double vanity surely saves time for the people using it but not only that, it also helps in improving the ambient look of the washroom. But installing a double vanity is not that simple and is not meant for every washroom. Cramming in a second sink and mirror might just end up cramping your entire washroom. Let us take a look at the various requirements and tips that would optimize the installation process

Bathroom size

Installation of a second vanity must require that you have space inside your bathroom to spare. It doesn’t make sense to expand the size of the washroom just for the installation of extra vanity and this would require extra plumbing work and end up making this a far costly affair than it needs to be. Also most designers suggest that the centers of the two sinks are not more than 30 inches apart from each other. This allows us to connect them to same disposal pipe and saves us the hassle of extending a different disposal line for the new sink.


Having a double vanity requires having two sets of the same type of sink, faucets and vanity. You can experiment with installing two different sinks and mirrors and other components but it just feels fundamentally wrong to have such an asymmetric washroom. The design of the sink, faucets and the vanity must be in sync with the rest of the washroom design. Having both the sinks at the same height is recommended but if that is not possible, the separation must be limited to 6 inches. Else this will end up causing more plumbing complications.


About mustafa

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