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Custom kitchen islands to suit your needs

Custom Kitchen Islands

Kitchen islands are undoubtedly the best feature of any kitchen. It is the central piece around which all the talking and entertaining happens. But kitchen islands are often very expensive to build. But you can design your own customer kitchen island and see the costs reduce. This article will tell all you want to know about building custom kitchen islands on your own.

Just as it is with building any other piece of furniture, for building a custom kitchen island too you need to know everything about the material, design and placement before you take on the project. Careful consideration of all aspects and proper planning can leave you with an end product that not only looks beautiful but is unique to your home.

Follow these steps for building your custom kitchen island:

    • Finalize the design – Make sure you know how you want the kitchen island to look like. Have the final design ready before you start doing anything. Don’t start with a half design and think you can figure out the rest later. It doesn’t work like that. You will end up with a half finished island and you don’t want to do that. Think about how many drawers or shelves or cabinets you need in the island. Consult a designer or look around on websites to prepare a final design for your custom kitchen island.
    • Think about placement – Stand in your kitchen and based on your design see where and how the kitchen island would fit. Make sure it does not cramp the kitchen and if it does it means you need to rethink the design. Mark the kitchen floor with tape to give you an idea of how much space it will take up.
    • Joining the cabinets – Once you have put tape on the floor for the outer boundary of the island, start putting in the cabinet faces. Arrange them side by side and only when you are satisfied, drill them into place.

  • Finish attaching the remaining parts of the cabinets – Once you have put the structure in place, start screwing the other parts like drawers and shelves and doors into place.
  • Add decorative pieces – Attach the door handles and knobs to the wooden surfaces once all the cabinets and drawers are installed.
  • Lay the island top – Now it’s time to put the island top of your choice. Set it in place making sure it is not tilted and has been placed straight. Once you are sure, fix it to the cabinets underneath.


About mustafa

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