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Ideas for contemporary bathroom design

More than just a bathing or showering place your bathroom is one place where you can find serenity and just relax after that stressful day and of course how you relax and take that stress off is influenced to a greater extent by its state. Naturally, we all feel relaxed amidst clean and beautiful environments and you certainly can turn your bathroom into such place by creating a few changes to your bathrooms’ design to specifically give it a contemporary touch, this should not be a complicated task as it mostly involves more removals than additions.

The contemporary bathroom’s focus is on geometry, lines and an organic or natural feel and this can most certainly be achieved by a combination of four critical features.


Create geometry by strategically placing a small chair or sofa depending on the size of your bathroom in a corner and some flower pots in other locations. The shapes of all objects should be geometrical and symmetrical.


If possible let the entire space be clear of any items except for the geometrical table or chair, this calls for maximum use of inbuilt shelves. Avoid detailed wall color and décor but stick to plain texture and color, preferably white and grey for walls and fittings, possibly light brown for furniture and this also goes for towels. The selected wall paints should highlight the concrete and wood texture.



Contemporary designs’ emphasis is on naturalness which is also partly brought out by the lighting. Therefore choose lighting systems that bring out the feel of natural light such as skylights. The fittings and light holders should also be in line with the outlined requirements so as to maintain the balance.

In bringing out an organic feel some greenery can be placed in the strategically positioned pots. This will establish a link between the interior and exterior surroundings culminating in a clean and serene peaceful space.

The contemporary modern bathroom is a smart mosaic that you create by considering each of these details, omitting a single one distorts the beauty so enforce a balance between all of them to accomplish it.

About mustafa

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