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Commercial kitchens – the restaurant way!

Kitchens have become an important part of our lives today. No one wants to leave the cooking to another person. Instead, they want to ensure that the food they cook is healthy and fitting to their life styles. But for this, won’t you be needing a kitchen that is well equipped and can help you create the magic you are aiming at. If yes, get yourselves a commercial kitchen.

As the name might hint, a commercial kitchen is a structure which is complete with all necessary cooking stations as well as equipped with all necessary cooking equipments. Normally, restaurants and hotels have a commercial kitchen installed.
This busy kitchen structure has it all! Now again, there cannot be one fixed type of a commercial kitchen! Depending on the need, the cuisine or even the purpose of the head cook of the kitchen, the structure, furniture and the requirements of the commercial kitchen will vary!
In fact, the size of a commercial kitchen is also important. That will again vary on the restaurant size and the cuisine being made. Yet, on a general level, the size of the commercial kitchen will be greater than an average kitchen of the residential houses.

The Layout
As these are commercial kitchens and will have chefs working there, the layout of the commercial kitchen is different than the residential kitchens. This is for the reason that the safety of the working chefs has to be maximized.
These kitchens will have more vents and safety measures. The drainage and the sinks will also be different tot hew residential kitchens so that the several individual chefs can work their way around easily!
The Health Requirement
As the commercial kitchen employs several chefs, there has to be a health code adhered to in these kitchens. For instance, these kitchens might need to have different sinks for different purposes. You cannot wash and take water for cooking form the same sink! These kitchens might also have strict disposal laws.

Quite obviously, commercial kitchens will have superior and a stare of art cooking equipments to help with the cooking. Again the number of equipments will depend on the type of the restaurant and the type of the cuisine cooked. Yet, in general, the commercial kitchens are better equipped with modern cooking tools as compared to the residential kitchens!
This will all about the commercial kitchens.

About mustafa

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