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Bathtub refinishing ideas

Bathtub refinishing is the process of recoating the surface of the bathtub for purposes of making it appear new. There are numerous methods that are used depending on the nature of the old bathtub. The idea to resurface a bathtub may become appropriate if the elegant appearance of your current bathroom happens to be distorted. Sometimes the presence of a few dents may be enough to warrant the refinishing of a bathtub. After all, the desire of every householder is to have a bathroom that is as elegant as possible. You do not need to use the most expensive refinishing materials to be in a position to make your bathroom appear better. All it takes are a few reliable refinishing ideas such as the ones indicated below.

How to repair cracks

The appearance of cracks on the surface of any bathtub simply shows that the bathroom is aging. Therefore, it must be given a new touch to restore it to its original state. Even if you do not manage to restore it to its original state, making assume a state which is far much better than its previous one is a good idea. The best method of repairing cracks on a bathtub is to identify all the cracks and getting rid of them one by one. In most cases, polyester putties are used for this purpose. Polyester putty refers to a thin paste that is used to seal all the apparent cracks on the surface of a bathtub. Putties can be very thin, very thin or midway between thin and thick. The choice of the putty depends on the size of the cracks that are on the surface of the bathtub.

Repairing requires etching

In most cases, the application of putties alone is not enough. This is mainly because the crack fillers do not easily adhere to the surface of the bathtub. They may fall off in due course. To avoid such from happening, the use of etching acids is encouraged. The etching acids are used to promote adhesion of the crack fillers. This explains why crack filling and etching are often used in unison.

The alternative method

If you want, you cannot use both etching and crack filling. Rather, you can only use silage which does not require the use of both.


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