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Bathroom lighting and what it consists of what we don’t pay much attention to

While designing and furnishing a house, one pays great detail to a number of features. Right from the plumbing to conditioning and even interior decoration are carefully look after for every section of the house. What’s often paid less attention to is what would be there inside the bathroom, and even lesser though is given to the kind of lighting that a bathroom would have. But do you really think that a place where you would have your most relaxing moment should not have proper lighting? If no, then read on to know how you can change that!

Lighting within limits

Before you go about lighting up the bathroom, there are going to be a few places where it’d be best to not add a light around. The first of these is the mirror, and in the ceiling above it- adding a light above it would hamper the view and also disturbs the utility of the mirror. You’ll also need to remember that it is one of the first places which you visit when you wake up in the morning, so you do not want something that is excessively bright all the time. The solution? Dimmers- install them on the lights of your bathroom so that you can control the intensity as per the time of the day as well.

The different kinds of lighting and how it is all to be put together

Accent lighting is what you should go in for if you already have or plan to put up some art works in your bathrooms. One of the most commonly used elements in the same are recessed directional lights for focusing the illumination on a piece of work. Decorative lighting is more suitable to add a visual sparkle. Ambient lighting acts as a filling element, and is most suitable for bathrooms that come with tall ceilings, or with a cantilever or cove details.

Once you know which of these elements you require, putting them together will be but the only step left. You’ll also need to consider how much natural lighting your bathroom gets, and with all of that, you should be able to give it the best possible look that you have imagined for your bathroom.

About mustafa

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