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Motivation for designer look bathrooms

In order to escape hectic life schedules, people go to expensive hotels and resorts for relaxing. They often check accessories and ambience in the bathroom before deciding to check in a hotel room. It is natural to ask a question as why not have good bathrooms in his home itself. The prime reason for such an investment in the bathroom is that the individual can spend some moments with himself comfortably and relaxed. A relaxed mind can then plan the schedules for the whole day. It is rightly said that many great ideas have come from the bathroom. These are some of the motivating factors for designing good bathrooms.

Designer look bathrooms

A neat, clean and refreshing bathroom is everybody’s dream. To make these dreams come true, bathroom concepts have changed significantly these days. Modern bathrooms are fitted with nice cabinets to properly organize the accessories like toothpaste, brushes, soap, vanity, towels, reading material, medicine and so on. Bathroom accessories are beautifully designed with an idea of cleanliness so that toilet and bathing area can be combined in the same room. The modern approach to bathroom accessories also helps in maintaining neatness and dryness. High cost of living has reduced our big houses to small apartments resulting in smaller spaces for the bathrooms. Hence, proper utilization of spaces is necessary for such bathrooms. For example, corner cabinets, proper lighting system and glass wall separating the bathroom with the bedroom can significantly change the aesthetics of a small bathroom.

Soothing color combinations are used for wall tiles, floor stones, faucets and cabinets. The material for these tiles and stones should be impervious to water so that it can be readily cleaned. If the floor material is cold to touch, then water resistant bath mats or bathroom carpets can be used as an alternative.


Modern bathrooms inspired by big hotels and resorts now find a place in many common men’s house. Now taking bath is an enjoyable and relaxing experience rather than boring runaway daily job. Such inspirational bathrooms have now become a necessity rather than a luxury.

About mustafa

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