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Extracted fans work as a well ventilation system in kitchen and other parts of the house.

Well ventilation means the combination of exhaust air and air supply. A well ventilation system can reduce the feasibility of diseases. Well ventilated house can refresh the body of human.

When a person builds a house or looks house as a tenant, he tries to get well ventilation system. If well ventilation system is not provided through the house it is very harmful for the body and mind. So, the conscious people try to search a well ventilated house. Ventilation system is vastly needed in kitchen and bathroom. These two places are the most sensitive places for human body. Kitchen is the most gathering place in a house now and bathroom is the most sensitive area in house. Good food and cleanness can make refresh of the people’s mind. For preparing good food cook needs a compatible environment. It also removes the harmful pollutants from the house and brings fresh air from the outside. Hydronic heat combined with a life-breath, HRV/ERV can provide fresh environment through the room.

Why people should use?

When people use showers in the bathroom plenty of humid are generated and these humid need to be removed by well ventilation system. If the ventilation system is not good enough, the moisture can’t pass. It harms our body so much. It also destructs the wall, clipboards, gypsum boards and paints. Much moisture can cause allergic problems throughout the body. It causes the paint hardly in the wall and especially near the showers.

Where to place?

It is better to place the well ventilation system close to the shower. That’s why the moisture can be removed easily. The closer it is placed in, the moisture will be cleared rapidly.

Different fans can be found in the market for kitchen and bathroom which can ventilate air frequently. The main duties of these fans are to make the balance of proper air supply and exhaust. Ceiling fan is one of them and it is very popular fan at this moment.

After all it can be said that well ventilation system in a house especially in bathroom and kitchen can make a man or woman healthy and fresh.

About mustafa

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