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Kitchen structure and its relation to color

White has always been a color that symbolizes hygiene and cleanliness and there is no better way to create this appearance than with white cabinets. Most kitchens, actually, incorporate bright colors and neutral ones to. This can prove to very useful when attempting to create an illusion of space in your kitchen. One key element when it comes to the kitchen hue and lighting is the backlash. Normally, kitchen backsplashes are set in either stone, glass, tiles and mirrors. However, kitchen color designs and patterns are plenty and would really make a long list if listed down. Materials such as bricks, sheet metal, sheet glass and so forth are all viable options when it comes to installing a kitchen backsplash.

Materials making the kitchen structure and their influence with color


Bricks are ancient building constituents and their style and glamour is still vivant. It portrays a historic look to your kitchen and subsequently a warm feeling despite its dull hue. Most people, however, are afraid to install a brick structure because of cleaning cooking spills and general kitchen cleanliness.


Most people prefer to use tiles as a choice of kitchen structure material due to its flexibility; both in terms of color, design, ease of installing and cleaning. Mosaic tiles are a good example of the flexibility of color and design that tiles offer. They also eliminate the need of painting now and then; they offer that clean, shiny look even years after installation. They are also very efficient in providing natural light and hence portraying a bright room.

Complementing elements to a white cabinet

White generally matches well with dull colors and magnified by bright colors. In this case, white cabinets can complement nicely a sharp dull background color. Kitchen plain colors with white cabinets are a common occurrence but the color blend distinguishes them all. Also, dull colored towels and napkins can be hung over racks on the cabinets.

Nowadays, most professional kitchen designers are going for seamless kitchen paint colors and structures. This is because the ones in existence require a lot of maintenance especially because of joints which harbor a lot of dirt.

About mustafa

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