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Intelligent ideas for small bathroom renovation

Even though the size of bathrooms in modern homes are nearly doubled as compared to the past, there are still many homes that struggle with small bathrooms. Having a small bathroom doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on the functionality or the looks of your small bathroom.

With the help of some intelligent ideas you can increase the functionality as well as the looks of your small bathroom.


Sinks are one of the most common areas of interest when it comes to making your small bathroom more spacious. There are many small and attractive sinks available in the market that can do the job for you. The can be placed in a small counter space, which will serve as a place for storing stuff while you are getting ready, and will enable you to save about a foot of your bathroom space.

Mirrored Cabinets

Mirrored cabinets have been used from a very long time. You can use the dead spaces for installing cabinets that have mirrored doors. They can reach up to the ceiling if you want. Mirrored cabinet will help your small bathroom to appear bigger and will also provide you with an increased storage space. You can also place mirrors on other parts of the walls to enhance this expansion effect.

Wall-handing Toilets

Famous with many homeowners, wall-hanging toilet seats recess the tank part of the toilet into the wall, enabling you to save some space in the bathroom. Apart from saving space, they also look trendy.

Shower Door

Instead of using a framed bathroom door opt for frameless glass door and a shower that is curb less. Eliminating the walls around the shower will help you to save a little space, but the results will be overwhelming. The shower will simply disappear from the sight, making your bathroom look much bigger.

Bath Tub

Don’t lose hope if you have a small bathroom and still want a bath tub. Modern manufacturers do build bath tubs that are as small as 55-60 inches. You can also install a glass panel to prevent the spray from the shower. A glass panel will consume a lot lesser visual space as compared to a shower rod and curtain.

About mustafa

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