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Tips for designing a modern bathroom

The bathroom is probably the most peaceful place in the house. It’s the only uninterrupted time that we are allowed to spend in this busy world. It is said that most life decisions are made in the bathroom. Over the past 30 years, the size of the bathroom as increased from the conventional 5×8 sqft arrangement to double or even triple the size. With so many new designer ware coming up just for the bathroom items, it is no surprise that choosing from these items becomes a confusing task. Let us take a look at the different aspects and what defines the modern bathroom

A Modern Bathroom

The modern bathroom has become more of a place of relaxation, like a sanctuary. The feature that separates these from old school bathrooms is the size. The modern bathrooms are more spacious and luxurious when compared to these older versions. It is kind of hard to relax in a crowded, cramped up room so keeping the bathroom relatively free from unnecessary stuff that you might need only at specific times. It is advisable to place all the toiletries in shelves and not lay them openly in the washroom.


Having cupboards in the washroom can be quite useful for storing the towels, rolls and other toiletries. But construction of a cupboard is subject to the availability of space.


Having a few potted plants in the washroom can help set the right mood. The design of the pot can be made to match that of the washroom and help in creating a more visually appealing effect.

Shower Area

The installation of exotic shower panels is a common practice. The shower cubicle can be bordered with glass or frosted glass depending on what is more appealing to you. The designs on these glass walls can make the room more appealing. Though simplistic designs make the room look more soothing, having an intricate design may also be used as these designs can grasp the viewer’s mind in just a glance.


Ambient lighting can improve the aesthetics of the room. Having a few sconces on either side of the mirror is useful for effectively lighting the face of the person using the mirror. Having LED tubes along the border of the ceiling can be useful in creating a neon-like effect in the room.

About mustafa

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