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Cleaning kitchen cupboards: eliminating the grease, bringing back the shine

The processing of cleaning the kitchen cupboards can be somewhat demanding more so when they have lots of grime and grease. Whereas it is almost impossible to avoid the build-up of grease in your kitchen, this is the worst kind of dirt when it comes to cleaning. You can never clean grease, dirt effectively with wiping. You will be required to employ some kind of cleaning solution, to ensure the effectiveness of the whole exercise. With such solutions you are assured that these cupboards will be cleaned efficiently. If you have cupboards that are looking dull, and feels greasy when touched, then it is the highest time to create the solution and start-up the cleaning process. The following concoctions will assist you in the cupboards cleaning process.

Degreasing Dishwashing Soap

Most homeowners purchase dishwashing soaps liquids that have got no degreasing agents. They fail to realize the importance of degreasing agents when it comes to cleaning the kitchen cupboards. The ordinary liquid dishwashing soaps lack the abilities of removing grease from the cupboards. After acquiring this soap, it is important to dissolve it in water. The soap itself is somewhat corrosive and can damage the cupboard finished when poured directly on it. You should consider dissolving the degreasing dishwashing soap in hot water and then proceed with the cleaning exercise with the help of a cleaning sponge. Follow-up the whole-exercise with a soft towel that is dry and clean.

Washing Soda

The other option that you might consider when cleaning your kitchen cupboards is washing soda. When using this agent, it is vital to take all the necessary precautions. You should have gloves because the agent itself is manufactured from sodium carbonate, which is very harmful when it comes into contact with the skin. It has got a pH of 11 which is highly basic- your skin can’t accommodate this. A solution of washing soda and water in equal ratios can be used to scrub off grind and grease from the cupboards.

White Vinegar Solution

If you are fearing the risks associated with washing sodas, then it is the highest time to consider white vinegar solutions. This solution will not only degrease your kitchen cupboards, but will also kill germs and bacteria. A spray bottle is required when carrying out the whole exercise. Consider mixing hot water and white vinegar solution in the spray bottle in equal ratios. Proceed by spraying the solution on your kitchen cupboards. You can then wipe the cupboards with a scrub brush or sponge. The vinegar solution shouldn’t be rinsed but it should otherwise be left to air-dry.

About mustafa

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